Black Swan (2010): Aronofsky’s Trashy Ballet Melodrama, Anchored by Natalie Portman’s

With “Black Swan,” the gifted, quintessentially independent director Darren Aronofsky ("The Wrestler") adds another fascinating and usettling character study set inside an eccentric and competitive social-professional milieu, this time the ballet world.


Wrestler, The: Aronofsky’s Most Full Realized Feature to Date

Mark your Oscar ballots: As of today, Mickey Rourke has given the most dramatically impressive, not to mention iconic and self-reflexive, performance of the year in “The Wrestler,” Darren Aronofsky's fourth feature.

Wrestler, The: Aronofsky’s Venice Fest Winner, Featuring Mickey Rourke in Big Comeback

Mark your Oscar ballots: As of today, Mickey Rourke has given the most dramatically impressive, not to mention iconic and self-reflexive, performance of the year in “The Wrestler,” Darren Aronofsky's fourth feature.

Fountain, The: Aronofsky’s Fable, Starring Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz

“The Fountain” is a movie that asks the audience to surrender to it, but to what effect The work is deeply flawed, and the first and third sections feel particularly truncated and difficult to follow.