Basquiat (1996): Julian Schnabel’s Biopic of the Artist, Starring Jeffrey Wright, Benicio del Toro, Starring Jeffrey Wright, David Bowie, Dennis Hopper, Gary Oldman

The second movie this year to feature Andy Warhol and the New York art scene as a backdrop, albeit in a different decade, Basquiat is a modest but unexciting attempt to illuminate the short, tumultuous life of Jean Michel Basquiat, the noted black artist who died in l988 of a heroin overdose. Whatever is wrong with the conceptual framework and execution of Julian Schnabel's feature debut is almost made up by an illustrious cast of terrific actors that includes Benicio Del Toro, Christopher Walken, Dennis Hoper, and probably best of all David Bowie in a brilliant Warhol impersonation.