A new survey has found that 70 percent of U.S. consumers binge watch television.
Within that percentile, viewers watch an average of five episodes at a time, Deloitte’s 10th edition of its annual Digital Democracy Survey revealed.
The Digital Democracy Survey was fielded by an independent research firm from Nov. 5-19, 2015 and employed an online methodology among 2,205 U.S. consumers.
Released Wednesday, the survey also found that one third (31 percent) of viewers binge TV on a weekly basis.
The survey also revealed that 46 percent of Americans subscribe to streaming video services; within that near 50 percent, millennials aged 14-25 were spending more time streaming video content than watching live TV.
More than half of all consumers — including 75 percent of millennials — watch movies and TV through streaming on at least a monthly basis, and 53 percent of bingers opt for TV dramas.
Of the millennials surveyed, those aged 26-32 who currently pay for streaming video have an average of three subscriptions and those aged 14-25 value their streaming video subscriptions more than paid TV subscriptions.
More than 90 percent of consumers surveyed admitted to multitasking while watching television, with millennials admitting to engaging in an average of four additional activities (primarily Internet, social networks and text messaging) while consuming.
“The on-the-go, always-connected consumer is driving cultural changes in content consumption that fundamentally impact how companies connect with and engage consumers,” principal and U.S. media and entertainment consulting leader Kevin Wetscott said in a press release.