Fritz Lang and his co-authors, the famed playwright Bertolt Brecht and John Wexler, created a gripping story about the events surrounding the assassination of Hans Reinhard Heydrich (Hans von Twardowski), the Reich protector-governor in Bohemia and Moravia, and the subsequent persecutions of the unfortunate Czechoslovakians who were accused of compliance.
With the assistance of the Czech government-in-exile, and invaluable texts from its files, director Lang depicts the stubborn and heroic resistance of the Czechs against their Nazi oppressors. Lang keeps the film’s focus shifting from the efforts of the Gestapo to locate the killer to the activities of the Czech partisans.
Grade: B
![]() 1943 Theatrical Poster
There is also the irony of “Quisling” who, though loyal to the Germans, is blamed for the crime, and is executed by the Gestapo in order to get their superiors off their back.
At the time, critics charged that the film was too long (over two hours), too propagandistic and, rather unfairly, that it didn’t bear Lang’s distinctive visual touch.
However, looking at the film today, it’s hard not to be impressed by the oppressive ambience and James Wong Howe’s dark, noirish visual style.
Film’s Title
Working titles for Hangmen Also Die include “Never Surrender”, “No Surrender”, “Unconquered”, “We Killed Hitler’s Hangman,” “Trust the People,” and “Lest We Forget”. But when a book with a similar title to “Never Surrender” or “No Surrender” was published, the producers held contest among the cast and crew. The contest for title was won by production secretary who received the $100 prize.
The film went into production in late October 1942 and wrapped in mid-December of that year.
Director Lang had considered beginning the film with Edna St. Vincent Millay’s poem “The Murder of Lidice,” but he decided against it. The poem later did appear in MGM’s film about Heydrich, Hitler’s Madman (1943).
Writing Credits
Hangmen Also Die was Brecht’s only American film credit, although he worked on other scripts in Hollywood, without receiving credit. He left the U.S. after testifying before the House Un-American Activities Committee.
John Wexley received sole credit for writing the screenplay after giving evidence to the Writers Guild that Brecht and Lang had only worked on the story. However, there is more Brecht in the script than is accepted. Gerd Gemünden writes that he spoke to Maurice Rapf, the judge on the case, who told him “it was obvious to the jury that Brecht and not Wexley was the main author, and that Wexley had a reputation as credit stealer. But because of the fact that only written evidence was admissible, and since only Wexley’s name appeared on all drafts, the jury ruled in his favor.”
Wexley was blacklisted after he was named communist in the HUAC hearings.
Hangmen Also Die world premiered in Prague, Oklahoma on March27, an event that featured Hitler, Hirohito and Mussolini being hanged in effigy on Main Street. The mayors of Washington, Kansas, and London and Moscow, Texas attended.
The film opened nationwide in April in 20 key cities.
The music for Hangmen Also Die was composed by Hanns Eisler, Brecht’s collaborator on several plays with music. Eisler only worked on a few U.S., the most notable of which are Deadline at Dawn (1946) and None But the Lonely Heart (1944), starring Cary Grant, for which he was also nominated for an Oscar.
The song “No Surrender” was written by Eisler with lyrics by Sam Coslow.
Oscar Alert:
Oscar Nominations: 2
Score (Drama or Comedy): Hanns Eisler
Sound Recording: Jack Whitney
Oscar Awards: None
Oscar Context:
The winner of the Sound Oscar was the film “This Land Is Mine.” Perennial nominee Alfred Newman received the Best Scoring Award for The Song of Bernadette.”
Dr. Franz Svoboda (Brian Donlevy)
Professor Novotny (Walter Brennan)
Mascha Novotny (Anna Lee)
Emil Czaka (Gene Lockhart)
Jan Horek (Dennis O’Keefe)
Hans von Twardowski (Reinhard Heydrich)
Alexander Granach
Margaret Wycherly
Nana Bryant
Billy Roy
Tonio Selwart
Jonathan Hale
Lionel Stander
Byron Foulger
Virginia Farmer
Louis Donath
Sarah Paddon
Edmund MacDonald
George Irving
James Bush
Arno Frey
Lester Sharpe
Arthur Left
William Farnum
Reinhold Schuenzel
Produced and directed by Fritz Lang
Co-produced by Arnold Pressburger
Screenplay by John Wexler, adaptation and original story by Bert Brecht and Lang.
Camera: James Wong Howe (b/w)
Editor: Gene Fowler, Jr.
Music: Hanns Eisler
Art direction: William Darling
Costume: Julie Heron
Distributed by United Artists
Release date: April 15, 1943
Running time: 131 Minutes
Production company: Arnold Pressburger Films