Time’s Running Out
The sequence is even more romanticized through the use of soft focus camera. Nonetheless, both “Easy Rider” and “Our Daily Bread” suggest the problems of extended families, and of collectivist communes as alternative lifestyles. Billy and Wyatt express interest, even mild respect in the commune members, but basically cannot adopt this collective lifestyle. It’s hard life, for one thing, and the film doesn’t offer a glamorous view of it. “You know, this could be the right place,” says a commune member, inviting Billy and Wyatt to stay, while urging them, “time’s running out.”
But Billy wants to go, and the inarticulate Wyatt apologizes with a near-quote from On the Road, “I’m hip about time. But I just gotta go.” The question remains, where are Billy and Wyatt going? What are their goals, if any?