The comedy duo will kick off a live, four-city tour, titled The Restless Leg Tour, beginning this spring.
The famed duo has announced its first ever live tour together, which the Saturday Night Live vets have titled The Restless Leg Tour. It will include a limited run of East Coast shows this spring, with the two sharing stories and jokes rooted in their 30 years of friendship.
“If this tour goes right, we can finally end this friendship!” the pair joked in a joint statement.
The tour pairs a duo who found considerable success together on the Golden Globes stage, to say nothing of their time together at SNL and on film.
It is being produced by Live Nation.
As of now, it’s scheduled as a four-city tour, which will kick off April 28 at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, DC. The remainder of the tour will have Fey and Poehler touch down in Chicago, Boston and Atlantic City.