Dark Knight, The: Origins of Most Famous Line, “You either die a hero…..” Plagued by a line, because I didn’t write it”

Origins of ‘The Dark Knight’s’ Most Famous Line

The Batman film’s co-writer on the line that’s since taken on a life of its own: “It felt uniquely resonant to the tragedy of Harvey Dent and the tragedy of Batman.”

Christopher Nolan made an interesting admission: The most famous line from his fan-favorite Batman film, 2008’s The Dark Knight, wasn’t his creation and was a line that he initially didn’t quite get. Nolan said his brother, frequent collaborator and co-writer Jonathan came up with the prophetic line, “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

“I’m plagued by a line from The Dark Knight, and I’m plagued by it because I didn’t write it,” Nolan told Deadline. “My brother wrote it. It kills me, because it’s the line that most resonates. And at the time, I didn’t even understand it … I read it in his draft, and I was like, ‘All right, I’ll keep it in there, but I don’t really know what it means. Is that really a thing?’ And then, over the years since that film’s come out, it just seems truer and truer. In Oppenheimer, it’s absolutely that. Build them up, tear them down. It’s the way we treat people.”