The family adventure “A Plumn Summer” arrives on DVD May 5, 2009 from Paramount Home Entertainment. Awarded with seals of approval from both the Dove Foundation and the Parents Television Council, the family-friendly film tells the triumphant story of two brothers, Elliott and Rocky Plumm, and their new friend Haley who embark on an adventure to find out whom frog-napped the famous TV marionette Froggy Doo. But the journey is never what we expect, and by the end of the road, everyone has learned a lot more than just who took Froggy Doo.
Based on a true story, the movie blends action and comedy and features a likable cast that includes Henry Winkler (“Click”), William Baldwin (“Forgetting Sarah Marshall”) and Lisa Guerrero (“Sunset Beach”) and is narrated by Jeff Daniels (“The Squid and the Whale”).
Presented in widescreen enhanced for 16:9 TVs with Dolby Digital English 5.1 Surround, the DVD includes the following special features:
Commentary by writer/director Caroline Zelder and writer/producer Frank Antonelli
· Gag Reel
· Deleted Scenes
· Behind-the-Scenes Music Video
· Behind-the-Scenes on the Red Carpet
· Theatrical Trailer