After his highly acclaimed first film, The Student (El Estudiante), Santiago Mitre’s second film, Paulina (La Patota), tackles a powerful and significant topic.
Dolores Fonzi plays a brilliant and dedicated young woman who moves off her solid career path in justice, only to become a teacher of political culture at the far end of Argentina.
In Paulina, Santiago Mitre adopts a stance similar to that of his heroin, which brings him to alterna tely que stion contrary perspectives through swift flashbacks and shifting storytelling.
Santiago Mitre confirms his talent with this utterly mastered film, winner of the Nespresso Grand Prize at the latest Semaine de la Critique and also of the Cannes Fipresci Jury Award.
In its national release, on June 18, 2015, the film received public acclaim and gathered 145 000 viewers in Argentinian cinemas.