John Wayne’s Filmography, 1926-1976
In a career spanning 50 years, John Wayne had made more movies than any star of his (0r any other) generation.
Many of these pictures were one or two-reelers, and some of which have been lost.
Even so, Wayne had left a huge cinematic legacy.
1920s: 8
Brown of Harvard 1926 MGM
The Drop Kick 1927 First National
Four Sons 1928 Fox
Hangman’s House 1928 Fox
Mother Mackree 1928 Fox
The Black Watch 1929 Fox
Words and Music 1929 Fox
Salute 1929 Fox
1930s: 69
The Lone Star Range 1930 Fox
Men without Women 1930 Fox
Rough Romance 1930 Fox
Born Reckless 1930 Fox
Cheer Up and Smile 1930 Fox
The Big Trail 1930 Fox
Girls Demand Excitement 1931 Fox
Three Girls Lost 1931 Fox
Men Are Like That 1931 Col
The Deceiver 1931 Col
Range Feud 1931 Col
Maker of Men 1931 Col
Shadow of the Eagle 1932 Mascot
Texas Cyclone 1932 Col
Two-Fisted Law 1932 Col
Lady and the Gent 1932 Paramount
The Hurricane Express 1932 Mascot
Ride Him, Cowboy 1932 War
The Big Stampede 1932 War
Haunted Gold 1932 War
Central Airport 1933 First National
The Telegraph Trail 1933 War
Somewhere in Sonora 1933 War
The Three Musketeers 1933 Mascot
The Life of Jimmy Dolan 1933 War
His Private Secretary 1933 Showman’s Pictures
Baby Face 1933 War
The Man from Montana 1933 War
Riders of Destiny 1933 Monogram
College Coach 1933 War
Sagebrush Trail 1933 Monogram
The Lucky Texan 1934 Monogram
West of the Divide 1934 Monogram
Blue Steel 1934 Monogram
The Man from Utah 1934 Monogram
Randy Rides Alone 1934 Monogram
The Star Packer 1934 Monogram
The Trail Beyond 1934 Monogram
The Lawless Frontier Nov 1934 Monogram
‘Neath Arizona Skies Dec 1934 Mono
1935: 7
Texas Terror 1935 Mono
Rainbow Valley 1935 Mono
The Desert Trail 1935 Mono
The Dawn Rider 1935 Mono
Paradise Canyon 1935 Mono
Westward Ho! 1935 Republic
The New Frontier 1935 Republic
1936: 8
The Oregon Trail 1936 Republic
The Lawless Range 1936 Rep
King of the Pecos 1936 Rep
The Lonely Trail 1936 Rep
The Lawless Nineties Jun 1936 Rep
Winds of the Wasteland 1936 Rep
The Sea Spoilers 1936 Universal
Conflict 1936 Universal
1937: 5
California Straight Ahead 1937 Univ
I Cover the War 1937 Univ
Idol of the Crowd 1937 Univ
Adventure’s End 1937 Univ
Born to the West 1937 Paramount
1938: 4
Pals of the Saddle 1938 Rep
Overland Stage Raiders Sep 1938 Rep George Sherman
Santa Fe Stampede 1938 Rep Geroge Sherman
Red River Range 1938 Rep George Sherman
1939: 5
Stagecoach 1939 UA John Ford
The Night Riders 1939 Rep George Sherman
Three Texas Steers 1939 Rep George Sherman
Wyoming Outlaw 1939 Rep George Sherman
New Frontier 1939 Rep George Sherman
Allegheny Uprising 1939 RKO William A. Seiter
1940s: 30
The Dark Command 1940 Rep Raoul Walsh
Three Faces West 1940 Rep Bernard Vorhaus
Seven Sinners 1940 Univ Tay Garnett
A Man Betrayed 1941 Rep John H. Auer
The Lady from Louisiana 1941 Rep Bernard Vorhaus
Lady for a Night 1942 Rep Leigh Jason
Reap the Wild Wind 1942 Par Cecil B. De Mille
The Spoilers 1942 Univ Frank Lloyd
In Old California 1942 Rep William McGann
The Flying Tigers 1942 Rep David Miller
Reunion in France 1942 MGM Jules Dassin
Pittsburgh 1942 Univ Lewis Seiler
A Lady Takes a Chance 1943 RKO William A. Seiter
In Old Oklahoma 1943 Rep Albert S. Rogel
The Fighting Seabees 1944 Rep Edward Ludwig
Tall in the Saddle 1944 RKO Edward L. Marin
The Flame of Barbary Coast 1945 Rep Joseph Kane
Back to Bataan 1945 Edward Dmytryk
They Were Expendable 1945 MGM John Ford
Dakota 1945 Rep Joseph Kane
Without Reservations 1946 RKO Mervyn Le Roy
Angel and the Badman 1947 Rep James E. Grant
Tycoon 1947 RKO Richard Wallace
Fort Apache 1948 RKO John Ford
Red River 1948 UA Howard Hawks
Wake of the Red Witch 1949 Rep Edward Ludwig
Three Godfathers 1949 MGM John Ford
The Fighting Kentuckian 1949 George Waggner
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon 1949 John Ford
Sands of Iwo Jima 1949 Allan Dwan
1950s: 19
Rio Grande 1950 John Ford
Operation Pacific 1951 George Waggner
Flying Leathernecks 1951 Nicholas Ray
Big Jim McLain 1952 Edward Ludwig
Trouble Along the Way 1953 Michael Curtiz
Island in the Sky 1953 William A. Wellman
Hondo 1953 John Farrow
The High and the Mighty 1954 William A. Wellman
The Sea Chase 1955 John Farrow
Blood Alley 1955 William A. Wellman
The Conqueror 1956 Dick Powell
The Searchers 1956 John Ford
The Wings of the Eagle 1957 John Ford
Jet Pilot 1957 Joseph von Sternberg
Legend of the Lost 1957 Henry Hathaway
I Married a Woman 1958 Hal Kanter
The Barbarian and the Geisha 1958 John Huston
Rio Bravo 1959 Howard Hawks
The Horse Soldiers 1959 John Ford
1960s: 20
The Alamo 1960 John Wayne
North to Alaska 1960 Henry Hathaway
The Comancheros 1961 Michael Curtiz
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 1962 John Ford
Hatari! 1962 Howard Hawks
The Longest Day 1962 Ken Annakin, Andrew Marton, Bernard Vicki
How the West Was Won 1962 John Ford, Henry Hathaway, George Marshal
Donovan’s Reef 1963 John Ford
McLintock! 1963 Andrew V. McLaglen
Circus World 1964 Henry Hathaway
The Greatest Story Ever Told 1965 George Stevens
In Harm’s Way 1965 Otto Preminger
The Sons of Katie Elder 1965 Henry Hathaway
Cast a Giant Shadow 1966 Mel Shavelson
El Dorado 1967 Howard Hawks
The War Wagon 1967 Burt Kennedy
The Green Berets 1968 John Wayne
The Hellfighters 1968 Andrew V. McLaglen
True Grit 1969 Henry Hathaway
The Undefeated 1969 Andrew V. McLaglen
1970s: 11
Norwood 1970 Cameo
Chisum 1970 Andrew V. McLaglen
Rio Lobo 1970 Howard Hawks
Big Jake 1971 George Sherman
Cancel My Reservations 1971 cameo
The Cowboys 1972 Mark Rydell
Cahill, U.S. Marshal 1973 Andrew V. McLaglen
McQ 1974 John Sturges
Brannigan 1975 Douglas Hickox
Rooster Cockburn 1975 Stuart Miller
The Shootist 1976 Don Siegel