May 14 2023: Research in Progress
It includes the 5 nominated in 2020, 2021, and 2022
Occupational Inheritance in the Acting Profession
Occupational inheritance refers to the phenomenon where sons and daughters follow in the career paths of their parents.
This trend has been documented in the professions of engineering, medicine, military, and education.
Over the past 93 years of the Academy Awards (first given in 1929), 83 men have won the Best Actor Oscar (some more than once), and 155 men have been nominated.
In 2020, the five nominees were: Riz Ahmed, Chadwick Boseman (black, posthumous), Anthony Hopkins (winner, second Oscar), Gary Oldman (previous winner) Steven Yeun (Asian).
In 2021, the nominees were: Xavier Bardem, Cumberbatch, Andrew Garfield, Will Smith, Denzel Washington
In 2022, the nominees were all first-timers: Austin Butler, Colin Farrell, Brendan Fraser, Paul Mescal, Bill Nighy
Winners: 84 (males); 96 (performances)
Nominees: 160
Total: 244
A: 7
B: 24
C: 26
D: 22
E: 2
F: 18
G: 8
H: 22
I: 1
J: 4
K: 6
L: 8
M: 22
N: 7
O: 6
P: 10
Q: 1
R: 9
S: 13
T: 8
U: /
V: 2
W: 15
X: /
Y: 1 (Yeun)
Z: /
Winners’ names are bolded
A (7)
Abrahams, F. Murray, 1984
Ahmed, Riz (2020)
Allen, Woody
Arkin, Alan (winner of Supp. Actor)
Arliss, George, 1930
Ayres, Lew
B (24)
Bale, Christian (winner of Supp. Actor)
Bancroft, George
Banderas, Antonio
Bardem, Javier (winner of supp. actor)
Barrymore, Lionel
Barthelmess, Richard
Bates, Alan
Baxter, Warner
Beatty, Warren
Beery, Wallace
Begnini, Roberto
Bogart, Humphrey
Borgnine, Ernest
Boseman, Chadwick (2020, black)
Boyer, Charles
Branagh, Kenneth (nominee, supp. actor)
Brando, Marlon (nominee, supp. actor)
Bridges, Jeff (nominee, supp. actor)
Brody, Adrien
Brynner, Yul
Burton, Richard
Busey, Gary
Butler, Austin
C (26)
Cage, Nicholas
Cagney, James
Caine, Michael (winner of 3 Supp. Actor)
Calhern, Lewis
Carney, Art
Carell, Steve
Chalamet, Timothee
Chaplin, Charlie
Cheadle, Don
Chevalier, Maurice
Clift, Montgomery (nominee, supp. actor)
Clooney, George (winner of Supp. Actor)
Colman, Ronald
Conti, Tom
Cooper, Bradley (nominee, supp. actor)
Cooper, Gary
Cooper, Jackie
Costner, Kevin
Courtnay, Tom
Cranston, Bryan
Crawford, Broderick
Crosby, Bing
Crowe, Russell
Cruise, Tom (nominee, supp. actor)
Cumberbatch, Benedict
Curtis, Tony
D (21)
Dafoe, Willem (nominee, supp)
Dailey, Dan
Damon, Matt (nominee, supp)
Day-Lewis, Daniel
Dean, James
De Niro, Robert (also winner of Supp. Actor)
Depardieu, Gerard
Depp, Johnny
Dern, Bruce (nominee, supp.)
Dexter, Gordon
DiCaprio, Leonard (nominee, supp)
Dix, Richard
Donat, Robert
Douglas, Kirk
Douglas, Melvyn (winner of 2 Supp. Actor)
Douglas, Michael
Downey, Robert Jr.
Dreyfuss, Richard
Driver, Adam
DuJardin, Jean
21. Duvall, Robert (nominee, supp)
E (2)
Eastwood, Clint
Ejiofor, Chiwetel
F (18)
Farnsworth, Richard (nominee, supp)
Farrell, Colin
Fassbender, Michael
Ferrer, Jose (nominee, supp)
Fiennes, Ralph (nominee, supp)
Finch, Peter
Finney, Albert (nominee, supp)
Firth, Colin
Fishburne, Laurence
Fitzgerald, Barry (winner of Supp. Actor)
Fonda, Henry
Fonda, Peter
Ford, Harrison
Foxx, Jamie (nominee, supp)
Franciosa, Anthony
Fraser, Brendan
Freeman, Morgan (winner of Supp. Actor)
G (8)
Gable, Clark
Garfield, Andrew
Garfield, John, working class; father clothes presser and part-time cantor (nominee, supp)
Garner, James
Giannini, Giancarlo
Gosling, Ryan
Grant, Cary
Guinness, Alec (nominee, supp)
H (22)
Hackman, Gene (also winner of Supp. Actor)
Hanks, Tom (also nom, supp)
Harrelson, Woody (nom, supp)
Harris, Ed (nom, supp)
Harris, Richard
Harrison, Rex
Harvey, Laurence
Hawthorne, Nigel
Heston, Charles
Hoffman, Dustin
Hoffman, Philip Seymour (also nominee, supp)
Holden, William
Hopkins, Anthony (2 Oscars, 1991 and 2020l also supp)
Hoskins, Bob
Howard, Leslie
Howard, Terrence
Howard, Trevor
Hudson, Rock
Hulce, Tom
Hurt, John (nominee, supp)
Hurt, William (nominee, supp)
22. Huston, Walter (winner of Supp. Actor)
I (1)
Irons, Jeremy
J (4)
Jannings, Emil
Jenkins, Richard
Jones, James Earl
Jones, Tommy Lee (winner of Supp. Actor)
K (6)
Kaluuya, Daniel (winner, supp)
Keaton, Michael (nominee, supp)
Kelly, Gene
Kennedy, Arthur (nominee, supp)
Kingsley, Ben (nominee, supp)
Knox, Alexander
L (7)
Lancaster, Burt
Langella, Frank
Laughton, Charles
Ledger, Heath (winner of Supp. Actor)
Lemmon, Jack (winner of Supp. Actor)
Lukas, Paul
Lunt, Alfred
M (22)
McConaughey, Matthew
McKellen, Ian (nominee, supp)
McLaglen, Victor (nominee, supp)
McQueen, Steve
March, Fredric
Marvin, Lee
Mascal, Paul
Mason, James (nominee, supp)
Massey, Raymond
Mastroianni, Marcello
Matthau, Walter (winner of Supp. Actor)
Menjou, Adolph
Milland, Ray
Montgomery, Robert
Moody, Ron
Moore, Dudley
Morgan, Frank
Morris, Chester
Mortensen, Vigo
Muni, Paul
22. Murray, Bill
N (7)
Neeson, Liam
Newman, Paul (nominee, supp)
Nicholson, Jack (also winner of Supp Actor)
Nighy, Bill
Niven, David
Nolte, Nick (nom, supp)
Norton, Edward (nom, supp)
O (5)
O’Herlihy, Dan
Olivier, Laurence (nom, supp)
Olmos, Edward James
O’Neal, Ryan
O’Toole, Peter
P (10)
Pacino, Al (nom, supp)
Parks, Larry
Peck, Gregory
Penn, Sean
Phoenix, Joaquin (nom, supp)
Pidgeon, Walter
Pitt, Brad (winner of Supp. Actor)
Poitier, Sidney
Powell, William
Pryce, Jonathan
Q (1)
Quinn, Anthony (winner of 2 Supp. Actor)
R (9)
Rea, Stephen
Redford, Robert
Redmayne, Eddie
Redgrave, Michael
Renner, Jeremy (nom, supp)
Robertson, Cliff
Rooney, Mickey (nom, supp)
Rourke, Mickey
Rush, Geoffrey (nom, supp)
S (13)
Scheider, Roy (nom, supp)
Schell, Maximilian
Scofield, Paul (nom, supp)
Scott, George C. (nom, supp)
Sellers, Peter
Sinatra, Frank (winner, supp)
Smith, Will, 2021
Spacey, Kevin (winner of Supp. Actor)
Stallone, Sylvester
Steiger, Rod (nom, supp)
Stewart, James
Stone, Lewis
Strathairn, David
T (8)
Thornton, Billy Bob (nom, supp)
Tibbett, Lawrence
Todd, Richard
Tone, Franchot
Tracy, Spencer
Travolta, John
Troisi, Massimo
V (2)
Voight, Jon (nom, supp)
Von Sydow, Max
W (15)
Washington, Denzel (winner of Supp. Actor)
Waterston, Sam
Wayne, John
Webb, Clifton
Welles, Orson
Werner, Oskar
Whitaker, Forest
Whitman, Stuart
Whitmore, James
Wilde, Cornell
Wilkinson, Tom
Williams, Robin (winner of Supp. Actor)
Winfield, Paul
Wood, James
Woolley, Monty
Y: 1
Yeun, Steven (2020)