Evan Rachel Wood will star with Jim Sturgess and Shinobu Terajima in One Thousand Paper Cranes, the story of Hiroshima survivor Sadako Sasaki and author Eleanor Coerr, who wrote the bestselling children’s book “Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes.”
Independent has boarded sales ahead of Cannes Film Fest, where the project will be at the Market.
Richard Raymond (“Desert Dancer”) will direct from Ben Bolea’s script, which featured on the Black List, the roster of Hollywood’s hottest yet-to-be-produced screenplays.
Ian Bryce (“Saving Private Ryan”) will produce alongside Richard Raymond and Irene Yeung.
The film tells the true story of Sasaki, a 2-year-old in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped on the city in 1945. She was later diagnosed with leukemia caused by exposure to radiation from the blast. She drew strength from a Japanese legend that, if she folded 1,000 paper cranes, she would be granted a wish, which in her case was to live.